Air distribution accessories

Veco offers a wide selection of air distribution accessories for any type of installation on-board.
Air distribution accessories can be purchased inidividually or included in our air kit, to make the installation process even simpler.
From plenums and air ducts, to tailored grilles with custom size and finishing, Veco offers the flexibility needed for marine installations.

Standard and custom grilles

Plenum and junction boxes

Insulated duct

Custom solutions
Plastic closable grilles
Studied for 75/100mm ducts, black or white finishing, they are ideal for small cabins or bathrooms.
ABS insulated plenums, ideal to install behind fornitures where the grill will be installed; they can be drilled in different positions for the maximum flexibility during the installation.
3 way planums
ABS insulated plenums, ideal for splitting the duct for different grilles.
Insulated duct
Insulated and flexible duct, reinforced with a spiro, available in different sizes.